DLF Grass Varieties


Nashota is DLF’s number one variety. We always say there is no such thing as the perfect
variety, but Nashota is as close as you will find with strong spring growth, excellent quality,
and a good silage score. Most importantly Nashota has been awarded a 5-star rating for
grazing utilisation. You can find Nashota across DLF’s mixture range including DLF 4N Grazer, DLF Grazer, DLF Performance and DLF 6-Species Herbal Ley


Xenon is the number one grazing variety in Ireland according to the Teagasc grazing trials
and the PPI grazing utilisation trait. Like Nashota, Xenon is a NxGen tetraploid which means it has the sward density of a diploid but the quality and grazability of a tetraploid. Xenon has the highest ground cover score of any tetraploid variety on the PPI – 6.2, which is equal to the combined average of all diploid varieties on the PPI. Xenon is exclusive to DLF 4N Grazer – the number one grazing mixture in Ireland containing only 5-star grazing varieties.


Anurad is our most recent late tetraploid with impressive PPI figures across the board.
Anurad shares many traits with Nashota like spring and autumn growth. But Anurad’s
standout feature is its quality, which puts Anurad in the top 5 varieties for quality on the PPI. Anurad is a traditional large-leaf tetraploid with an upright growth habit that makes it easy for cows to graze out achieving 4 stars for grazing utilisation. Anurad is used in DLF Grazer, DLF Performance and DLF 6-Species Herbal Ley.


Aspect is another one of DLF’s 5-star grazing varieties, second only to Xenon in the PPI
ranking. Aspect is a traditional late tetraploid with a high leaf:stem ratio that allows cows
graze to low residuals even at high covers. Aspect is exclusive to DLF 4N Grazer – the number one grazing mixture in Ireland containing only 5-star grazing varieties.


Bowie is a late diploid with exceptional ground cover. A heading date of 16 th June makes
Bowie the latest heading variety on the PPI. Later heading date is strongly linked to quality,
especially maintaining quality as the season progresses, and this is the case with Bowie.
Bowie has the best quality value of any diploid variety on the PPI. Bowie is included in several DLF mixtures such as DLF Grazer, DLF Performance and DLF 6-Species Herbal Ley


Vast is a late tetraploid that stood out as the best variety for both utilised grass yield and
average graze-out in our original on-farm variety grazing trial. It was found that compared to the next best grazing variety on the market, Vast could be worth an extra €253/ha through an extra 1.5 tons of grass utilised. The bulk of this benefit is gained in spring where Vast has a significant growth advantage over its direct competitors.

Did You Know?

  • 1 tonne of grass DM costs ~€70 to produce – relatively cheap compared to grass silage (€160/tonne DM) and concentrate (€250/tonne DM)
  • Increasing the proportion of grazed grass in the diet by 10% can lead to a 2.5 cent reduction in the cost of producing 1 litre of milk
  • Each additional tonne of DM utilised is worth approximately €181/ha
  • Could reduce GHG emissions intensity by 4%


Learn More About Grass Varieties

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